
Explore a wide range of free and premium Joomla extensions, Joomla 4 extensions & Joomla 5 extensions, such as menu displaying, slider, gallery, background image, background video and more. We’ve covered feature-rich and easy-to-use Joomla extensions both premium and free solutions in our collection so you may discover the ideal fit for your website’s requirements. Specially, to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies, we take care of our Joomla modules, Joomla plugins and update them to latest Joomla release.

A variety of Joomla modules and plugins


Quick Flip

Quick Flip is a responsive flip book module that can display items from Joomla content or K2. It will...

Swell Menu

Swell menu is a colorful Retina-ready and responsive menu. The menu automatically changes to one of three...

Shuffle Gallery

Shuffle Gallery is a flat-style Polaroid gallery where the items are scattered randomly in the container....

Side Slider

Side Slider is a Joomla system plugin that loads any module inside and presents it after clicking the...

Drag Gallery

Drag Gallery is a slideshow that is draggable and has two views: full screen and small carousel. In full...

Combo Menu

Combo Menu is a 4 level jQuery menu that uses a pop up menu image to add impact and dynamic style to...

Impact Menu

Impact Menu is a responsive Joomla module that uses jQuery to present a menu that combines an image with...

Multi Tabs

Multi Tabs is a simple, but powerful Joomla plugin. You can display several types of content in smooth...


Socially is a social networks content plugin for Joomla. Social sharing buttons are necessary to make...

Background Video Pro

Background Video Pro lets you easily transform your YouTube movie into your website background! This...


Hotspotter will let you add hot spots to your images, you can build amazing responsive hot spots with...

Background Gallery Pro

Background Gallery Pro is a Joomla module based on the fabulous Supersized jQuery plugin. Supersized...

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